Back row L to R: Jimmy Rich, Kenny Willis, Tommy Higginbotham, Mike Britt, Marty Coyne James Stewart, Bubba Leddy, Steve Gordon, Scott Gunter, Billy Lego
Front row L to R: Brian Little, Tony Cribb, John Cash, Derrick Lovell, Danny Horton, Jack Duggan, Don Presley, Jerry McMahan, not pictured: Morris Anderson
The team started out in 2004 in FHC under the name Error Express, coached by TP Morgan/Don Carter. Nick Nicomento ran the team from 2010 to 2012. Chuck Wolf took over in 2013, renaming the team, The Border Boys, winning the State Championship in 2014 ( C ), and 2015 ( B ). Mike Britt took over in 2016, winning the State Championship in 2017 ( A ). Most of us are from Jacksonville, with some players from Green Cove, Middleburg area, and a couple from Georgia.