Florida Half Century Amateur Softball Association
Replacement / Updated Card
Replacement / Updated Card

First Name Middle Name Last Name
Permanent Home Address
City County State Zip
Telephone Number Date of Birth / /
Part Time Florida Residents complete this section
Months residing in Florida: From to
Street Address in FL
City County Zip
Telephone number, if different from above
Current FHC number If not known, approximate year you got your card
Reason for needing a new Card:
Lost original, same address above
Moved to a new Area - new address is above
  old address
Requesting to be Grandfathered to old area. Explanation for why you want to be grandfathered:
  I have not been on roster for any teams in new area
  I would like to be grandfathered in so I can continue to play with my current team:
Grandfathering Requests must go through the Chairman, Mike Correa. Call 321-501-4141 to explain your situation. If approved, he will write the date here ______________________________
1. Completed form
2. $25 replacement fee - Personal or Business Check / Money Order / Cashier's Check Payable to Florida Half Century ASA, Inc.
3. Copy of current Driver's License or proof of current residence.

Date   Signature of Applicant
Type or Print Legibly, mail this application, proof of address and fee to:
Mike Correa
177 Tahiti Circle
Naples, FL 34113

Type or print clearly, mail this application, proof of address and fee to:
Mike Correa
177 Tahiti Circle
Naples, Florida 34113

Call 321-501-4141, if any questions

Copyright © 2025 Florida Half Century Amateur Softball Association - All Rights Reserved.

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