Chairman's Notes October 2020

Oct 12, 2020 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, it seems like yesterday that the Governor allowed us to play ball in June, but here it is October already.  I have some points of interest and a couple of reminders.

Remember when we came back to play, and one of the most important things we asked of you is that you clean up your dugout before you leave.  Our Site Directors asked that we remind you once again to do just that.  After your game, please have your Players clean up all papers and bottles and throw them in the trash.
As Manager, it is your responsibility to contact me and your Area Director if one of your Players becomes sick with the "virus" or has had immediate contact with someone who has tested positive with the "virus."  This is very serious, and I know that you take it such.
Because of the crazy 2020 year, the Board has decided that we should be very lenient with the qualifications for the State Tournaments in December.  For the 50's and 60's, a team must have played in at least 5 tournaments, and individuals at least 3 tournaments.  Anyone already on your roster in March will receive credit for the "virus" months as well.  70 and up teams must play in 3 tournaments, and the Players must play in 2.  
If a person is at a tournament, but unable to play, he still will receive credit for that tournament just like they played.
For the most part, a Player seeking a medical waiver must contact me before November 1st.  Obviously, there are emergencies that happen after that date, so you may petition the Board if that is the case.
Voting will take place during the last week of October.  You will need your Manager's password to get into the website to vote, just like you need the password to check your rosters.  If you are a new Manager or just lost your password, contact Greg Hazel (Secretary) and he will help you.
There are several Board positions up for election.  They are Chairman, Secretary, Area 1 Director, and Area 3 Director.  70 and up teams will vote on combining all of the 70 and up teams and ranking them according to ability.  50's and 60's teams will vote on changes in our "shortened games" procedures.  We will post these items and any others for you by next weekend.
Don't forget to check your rosters online within 30 days of each tournament to make sure that your roster is complete, and your Players got the proper credit for each tournament that they were physically there.
God bless my friends,
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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