Chairman's Notes - December 2023

Dec 17, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, we are disappointed that we had to cancel the 50's State Tournament, to say the least.  However, after being in the rain all day today, and knowing more is coming, we did make the proper and safe decision.  We will not make up the State Tournament because of the lack of fields in January, and not wanting to bring a hardship on your 2024 roster in February.  The Teams of the Year in the 50's Divisions will be awarded some nice gifts instead.  Teams of the Year are determined by the number of points won in a given division first, and then the number of tournaments that Team played in case there is a tie.
The 50's Teams of the Year are:
  • A Division     -     Phantom/Vector
  • B Division     -     Central Florida Vipers
  • C Division     -     La Presion
  • D Division     -     Bat Attitude
The 60+ Teams of the Year will be announced later.
The most common mistake that Managers make in each and every year is "not checking your Roster after every single Tournament is played."  To those who do just that, we thank you!  But, many of you do not check to see that every person that came to a tournament was given credit toward qualifying for the December State Tournament.  Quite often, I get a call or email and the Manager says my Player did not get credit for playing in January.  The problem is that they contact me or our Secretary in November.  My first question is of course "did you check your Roster within 30 days of the Tournament?"  Their attitude changes tremendously from being angry to being embarrassed mostly.  We do understand that things happen beyond our control.  We had two of our Manager family that passed away in the spring and someone took over that did not know what to do.  We have no problem helping those people.
We will have mandatory Managers Meetings again in a couple of months, and have handouts and information that will help you and our new Managers.
Remember to get in your 2024 Team Registration and fees ASAP.  If you are planning on playing in January we need your information in by Christmas, if possible.  If you need help, do not hesitate to call me or your Area Director.  Our numbers and emails are on the website.  The Team Registration form and fee goes to our Treasurer, and the Team Roster goes to our Secretary.  Do not add names on the Roster that do not have FHC numbers assigned yet.
Soon, you will have the ability to "pay online" for the monthly tournaments with a credit or debit card.  Stay tuned for details.
It has been my great pleasure being your Chairman these past seven years and I look forward to working with you all going forward.  I cannot believe I will be 75 years old tomorrow, December 17.  God is good is all that I can say about that.  I do not feel 75 but I probably look it.
Merry Christmas and God bless you all my friends,
Coach Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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