Chairman's Notes July 2020

Jul 06, 2020 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, we are very happy that our 60-85 Players will be in Polk County next weekend.  You have received prior, and will receive again, a waiver.  This is loaded with information regarding what is expected of all Players that are playing.  Before you get on the field, make sure you have discussed the procedures and sign the waiver.  You will turn it in at the sign-in table.
Number one, if you or a Player is sick, stay home.  The rest of the procedures are in the waiver.  There is a possibility of some bad weather.  Make sure to check the weather line by Friday evening.  If you are not traveling until Saturday morning early, then check the line nice and early on Saturday before you would leave to travel to Polk County.  There is a possibility we that might go to shortened games early in the tournament because of impending weather.
As you know we were moved from Auburndale to Southwest, in Lakeland.  Always check for last minute changes in the schedule.  We are in competition with the youth sports.  If a Site has multiple sports going on at the same time, they may be overbooked as far as the maintenance staff is concerned.  If that happens, we might be moved from one Site to another.  That is what happened regarding next weeks tournament.  There were fields ready, but no one to work them.  That is why you should always check the schedule, even at the start of the day or the night before.
Because of the virus, many people put off getting a replacement card or registering as a new Player.  Check with your Players now, and see if anyone needs a replacement card.  Don't wait until it's too late.  Your Player may not be eligible to play without a card in just a couple of months.  We will start having the Players check in for themselves in October.  See you this weekend.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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