Chairman's Notes - June 2018

Jul 01, 2018 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, with our crazy Florida weather, it is always great to say we got in our tournaments this past month.  However, we did have a problem at the 50's tournament in West Palm Beach.  The rain came down hard for awhile at Oke. Park, but it eventually stopped, and we finished the day with most of the games being played.  But, one team took it upon themselves to just leave without the permission of the Commissioner in charge that day.  Because of that, 2 teams did not get to play their games on that day.  If your team has injury problems, or some other problem, you can approach the Commissioner in charge, and ask to leave, but you cannot make that decision on your own.  According to the FHC By-Laws, that team will be fined $100 and suspended for two months.  That means that everyone on the roster is suspended, and cannot play for any FHC team during that time period.  You can petition the Board for a lesser suspension but nothing is promised.  We will look at extenuating circumstances, but will not make any promises.  
We have been in an awkward situation since last September with the weather, and have been forced to go to "one pitch" on several occasions.  We do not do this lightly.  The Board is concerned about all of our teams and not just a few.  When we make the decision to go to one pitch, it is because we think it is the best way to get all of the games in.  I have been approached by some Managers who say they do not care about the other teams.  If they have morning games they want a regular game for them and to heck with the afternoon games.  That is not the way we do things.  A couple of Managers suggested we should not go to one pitch until it starts raining.  That also is not logical.  Example:  In Lee County we made dozens of calls all the way up to Thursday in regards to the upcoming weather on the weekend.  We were told by the people there that we would have a downpour around 1:30 to 2:30pm both days, so we went to one pitch early.  The forecast was right on for both days and we got most of the tournament in.
We are in full blown summer now.  It is hot, so please hydrate properly, and be moderate on the alcohol.  Once again, our Sites have a no alcohol policy, so be careful and clean up after yourself.  
Just a reminder, even though many of you have a concealed firearm license, the ballpark is no place to bring it.  Leave them in your car.  Most parks are covered under State or County regulations, and you can be arrested on the premises if you bring a weapon out in public.
Managers, once again please remind your players about the language that they use at the Sites.  We are having many more wives, children, and grandchildren attend the games than in the past few years, and that is a good thing.
It is a good idea to secure your Hotel reservations well in advance, and you can always cancel them by Thursday of the tournament week if we have horrible weather.  There are times when we must move one bracket or more because of late cancellations.  Please be mindful of that, and realize it is not the end of the world if you have to drive 10-15 minutes more than you thought you would have to.
We are finished with the 2019 tournament schedule and it will be printed on the website very soon.  I know that many of you make your plans early so this will be quite helpful.
Good luck,
Mike Knowles


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