Chairman's Notes June 2020

Jun 15, 2020 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, we look forward to seeing you 50's guys next weekend and the 60 and up guys in July.  Here are some reminders for next weekend:

  • You all were sent a waiver to go over with all of your Players before you get on the field next week.  It must be signed and turned in at the sign-in desk before you play.
  • Practice social distancing throughout the weekend where possible.
  • No person to person contact before or after the game.
  • Discourage spitting and the use of seeds.
  • No one will be allowed to sit in the bleachers or dugouts until further notice.  Scorekeepers will sit where the Players sit, and that is outside the fence area from the dugout to the outfield fence.  Also, tell your spectators they will sit there as well, keeping the proper distance from any one else. 
  • The concessions will be closed.  Bring your own drinks and food.
  • As soon as your game is over have your team pick up all of the trash on your side before you leave the field.  Then, please leave quickly so the next teams can prepare to play.
  • Restrooms will be open but tell your team and followers that they must go back to their own area as quick as possible.
  • Check-in will be done by the managers only.  If you have a Pick-up Player have your paperwork filled out in advance.
  • The use of face coverings is optional.
*****Tell your Players that if they are sick, stay home.****
Tell everyone to wash their hands throughout the day.
We are very fortunate that Polk County has stepped up and is allowing us to play.  Please make sure that all of your Players are doing what is asked of them.  If you do not do your job as Manager, we will have to step in, and someone may be going home.  Let's make sure this a great return to the game we all love.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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