Chairman's Notes March 2020

Mar 22, 2020 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, we are facing something we have never faced before, but as an Association, State, and Nation we are not alone.  We all know that millions of people around the world are looking at a disease that is very scary and fast-moving.  But, through prayer, intelligence, and the grace of God, we will get through this crisis.  I say intelligence because we all need to do exactly what our medical leaders tell us to do.  Be smart and practice this model of "distancing."

Another thing we can do is talk to our children and grandchildren about doing this also.  The news carries young people saying "they do not care if they get coronavirus, because they are going to party anyway."   That is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard.  I realize that young people think they are invincible, but they do not realize that they could carry the virus to their parents and grandparents, or even their siblings.

Softball is really important to a whole bunch of people here in Florida, but not right now.  As you know we cancelled both tournaments in April, and we can only have a wait and see policy for May, but we will do what is best for everyone's concern.  I will talk to you soon.  God bless and good luck.

Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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