Chairman's Notes - November 2018

Nov 12, 2018 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, my grandfather used say, when I was just a boy, that "the older I get, the faster time flies."  I have used that line before, but it is still the truth for all of us.  And now, like many of you, I am that grandfather.  We have the 50's tournament to play next week and then on to the State Tournaments for all of our divisions.  This is a reminder for all of you Managers to contact your players, and tell them that they must bring their FHC cards and a picture ID, to show at the check-in table prior to their taking the field.  If you have someone that needs a Replacement Card, have them call me asap (941-725-0790) so they won't have a problem at the tournament.
The election and voting is over.  Anything that is different from the current rules will not go into effect until January 2019.  
For the past two years, "one pitch" has been a hot topic.  Our true feeling (FHC Board) is that we want the games to be played, if possible.  We do check on the weather forecast starting several days ahead of the tournament.  If we feel that inclement weather will keep us from playing the entire day, then we go to the one thing that helps to get the games in, and that is one-pitch.  The overwhelming consensus of the teams is that they want to play.  Some teams travel far distances to the tournaments.  They want to play.  A small minority of teams do not agree with us, and want to play regular games if they play in the morning, and they do not care about the afternoon games.  It is hard to believe, but that very statement comes directly from their mouths.  We tell them that the Board cares about the entire Association, and not just a few teams and coaches.  Our policy is not going to change unless someone comes up with a better plan.  That is another thing that we say.  "If you do not like what we do, then give us suggestions on how to do it better."  That is enough about one-pitch.  Let's just hope that the weather cooperates, and then we do not have to make a decision at all.
The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are quickly approaching.  Let's be thankful to God that we still have the health and ability to play the game that we all love.  We lost some of our friends and loved ones in the past year.  Let us not forget those people as well.  
God bless and good luck,
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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