Chairman's Notes - November 2023

Nov 27, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, we are already at the end of November, and looking toward our State Championships in the next few weeks.  For the most part, we had decent weather, except for losing a couple of tournaments.  We had to move Venues, and go to 'shortened games' on occasion, but in the end, most of our games were played, which is exactly what we all like.  We are just like little boys when it comes to playing ball.  When we play, we are generally happy, and when we don't, we are very sad.  But, the beauty of our FHC League is that there is always next month, or next year.
We continue to have problems with many of our Managers not reading the Chairman's Notes, or not reading the many emails that are sent out.  These contain messages like "check your Roster after every tournament" to make sure your Players get the proper credit they deserve.  Those Managers are the ones who contact us like now and say 'My Player did not get credit for playing in February of 2017.'  That is what it sounds like to us, because the first question we ask is, "Did you check your roster after the tournament?"  "No, I didn't know about that," is the answer.  We will have some training meetings early in 2024 to help you out.
Congratulations to our 2023 FHC Hall of Fame Inductees.  They will be inducted next Friday, December 1st, at the Springhill Suites in Lakeland.  Those Inductees are:
  • Jim Ganci
  • Hal Hatley
  • Frenchie LeTan
  • Rob Lowe
  • Felix Navarro
  • Hugh Planitz
  • Paul Russell
  • Jim Shingledecker
  • Cliff Stratton
  • Alan Tanner
These Inductees fall under one or more categories, such as Player, Manager, Sponsor or Board Member.
It is that time of the year to get your Team Registration and Team Roster in.  The Forms are found on the website, and they explain what goes where, and the address as well.  Get that in by December 15, please.
Our monthly tournament fee will go up to $300 in January.  That will help cover increased umpire fees. They have not had a fee raise since 2017.
See you all at the State Tournaments in December.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman


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