Chairman's Notes - October 2023

Oct 01, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes
September just flew by, didn't it?  We were fortunate with the weather for both tournaments.  We really try to get our games in, but we are limited by a couple of things.  The first thing, is of course, the weather not just over that weekend but the days leading up to the weekend.  If it rains inches on Thursday and or Friday, the fields may not be available.  I personally have met with all of our Maintenance Supervisors, and they know how large we are, and we bring many games to play, so they will try to get the fields ready after some bad weather.  But, if a Site has only one or so maintenance workers, it can be tough, so I have told them that if that is the case, then ask the Directors to encourage the Players to help.  Many of our Players would be happy to help if it means that they might get top play.
Greg Hazel sent out a message to everyone that we are checking FHC Cards and Licenses starting in October, and running through March.  If you have a Player that needs a Replacement Card, have them contact me immediately, or they can print a Form off the website, fill it out, bring the $25 fee, and give it to the Director at the Sites.  If they are on the Roster they will be fine by doing that.
We are only checking new bats, or we will check 2 bats for a Player that has been out, and has not had any bats checked this year.
As of October 1st, your roster is frozen for 2023.  Make sure you are checking your Roster after every tournament to see that your Players get the proper credit.
If you need a 'rabbit runner' contact Hal Hatley.  His information is on the website.  If you need a 'medical waiver' for December, contact me.
Our Hall of Fame banquet is on December 1st at the Springhill Suites in Lakeland.  We have 10 awesome men being inducted.  
Player/Board Member
Hal Hatley
Rob Lowe
Hugh Planitz
Paul Russell
Jim Shingledecker
Alan Tanner
Frenchie LeTan
Felix Navarro
Cliff Stratton
Jim Ganci (deceased)
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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