Current 60+ Brackets & Schedule may change if we are able to secure another complex

Dec 30, 2023 ·   Tournament News
60+ Managers, I am quite sure you have figured out something is going on, and you are right.  Next weekend, we have a regularly scheduled average January 60+ Tournament.  Right?
Absolutely not!!!!!
We have broken a FHC Softball record.  We have 100 Teams coming into Polk County for one tournament.  The previous record was 93 Teams for one tournament, but this one simply blows that record out of the water.  When I scheduled this tournament some 12 months ago, we had no idea that so many teams would choose to play.  
So, your schedule is now out, but that schedule will only reflect 3 Sites and 13 fields.  If we go by that schedule, we will have a few later games on Sunday, which no one wants, so I contacted our great friends at Central Florida Sports.  They are diligently working on getting us another complex which would greatly help us in our situation.  
As I said, there is a possibility that we have late games, but if we get another Site, we will change the schedule to where out latest games would be much earlier. 
So, saying that, you could have your Hotel arranged for Winter Haven, but be switched to play in Lakeland.  My question for you is, would you rather drive 40 minutes to a different venue, and play hours earlier, and get home at a decent time, or play Sunday night?  I already know the answer, so please be patient, and wait and see what Tuesday brings.  Most people in government jobs were off this week, so we will not know what is really going on until at least Tuesday.  
I will let you know as soon as I know on Tuesday.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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