Important Topics for This Fall

Sep 29, 2018 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, the following is a list of important issues for you and the Board coming up this fall.  Some are important topics, some deal with playing rules, and one or two are By-Law changes for you to vote on.  They are in no particular order of importance:

  1. If a player goes off your roster they cannot come back for 6 months.  We want to change that to 3 months.
  2. All voting for this fall will be conducted during the second week of November.
  3. We encourage FHC members to run for office if you are led in that direction.  But, if you do, please come with only 1 agenda, and that is to make FHC better.  We do not need people with their own agenda.
  4. We have been contacted by a second team who wants to start up an 80's division.  Hopefully, we can start in January 2019.
  5. Medical waiver requests must be turned in to the Chairman no later than November 1st.
  6. Roster changes must be turned in to Greg Hazel no later than October 1st.  That is really soon.
  7. Beginning in October, all players and Managers must present their FHC cards and licenses at the sign-in desk.  If you need a replacement card, contact the Chairman, like yesterday!
  8. The Grandfather policy is still misunderstood by many.  If you played in one Area and moved to a different Area, but still want to play for that same team, you must apply through the Chairman's office.  Do it soon so you will be eligible to play in December.
  9. The Villages is a popular tournament destination.  However, they are growing in leaps and bounds.  They have petitioned the Board to increase their eligibility boundaries.  The Managers will vote on a possible change in November.  It only affects Areas 3 and 4.
  10. Many, and I mean many, of our Managers have asked to put the coin toss back on the ballot again.  That would mean we would not have to put the H and A emphasis on the schedule as we do know.  That makes scheduling much less difficult and gives every team the chance of being home much more often.  The Board is contemplating using the coin toss for a couple of months and then allowing the teams to vote on it.
  11. In the FHC we already use a "hot bat."  Why people still find it necessary to alter a bat is confusing.  But, we are constantly asked to "check the bats."  Beginning in November, that is exactly what we are going to do.  Every team will have their bats checked and marked prior to playing.  If a player then chooses to use a bat not certified by FHC, they will receive a severe penalty.  Penalties will be announced at a later date. 
Please forgive the brevity of my message.  I am recovering from a total shoulder replacement, and I am very slow using only one hand.   My wife, Sherry, also broke her wrist the other day in a fall outside our house.  We are both now one-handed.  But, we all know that God will find a way of helping us to "find a way."  All you have to do is ask.  Isn't that something?
Mike Knowles - Chairman FHC

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