Social Distancing in August

Jul 29, 2020 ·   Tournament News
Mangers, we need to do a better job this tournament using social distancing and wearing masks while off the field.  You may wear them on the field if you can tolerate it.
  • We will be checking temperatures this weekend on both days.  At Auburndale, come in the west gate.  There is only one entrance at Diamondplex.  If you clear the check, you will receive a colored wrist band each day.  Wear the band all day.  We will also check fans and families.
  • Make sure the Players tell their their families that the bleachers are off limits, for safety, especially if you have a new Player.
  • Players may sit in the dugouts but must practice distancing when possible.  Tell them to bring their canopy tent.
  • There will be concessions open.
  • The restroom facilities will be open but clean up after yourselves.
  • Scorekeepers will sit outside the dugout from the dugout area to the foul pole.  That is also where the fans will sit.
  • Wash your hands throughout the time you are on the Site.
  • Have an extra ball ready in case there is a home run or foul ball.  It speeds up the game.
  • Check the cards of all of your Players to see if they need a replacement.  If a Player does need a new card, they can ask the Site Director for instructions or just contact me directly.  Don't wait until the last minute.  We will be checking all cards eventually.
God bless, and good luck this weekend.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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