Chairman's Notes - August 2022 - Part 1

Aug 29, 2022 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, there seems to be some question on how the FHC Board of Directors handles the tournament money that comes in and goes out each tournament weekend, especially when we have a shortened game situation.  Managers, all you or your Players have to do is just ask us, and we can give you a tournament rundown anytime you want.  We do not keep secrets.  Also, we are audited yearly.
An average tournament for us now is 70 teams, so that would be 70 x $250, which is $17,500.
In our scenario, we get in all of the games on Saturday (70 games) but get rained out on Sunday.  Here would be the rundown in dollars.
  • Umpires for 70 games =  $4,690
  • Game balls to teams  =  $1, 750
  • Awards ($140 times 16 brackets)  =  $2,240
  • Directors Fees and mileage =  $2,150
  • Hotel bill (Directors and Umpires)  =  $2,400
Total approximate Expenditures  =  $13,230
Teams would receive $26 per game per team for games not played.
70 games at $52 =  $3,640
Total  =  $16,870
That leaves approximately $630 for the one tournament.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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