Chairman's Notes - August 2022 - Part 2

Aug 29, 2022 ·   Chairman's Notes

For some time now, we have been using our current points system.  As you know, a team gets points for winning games and brackets.  Also, if a team misses a monthly tournament, they will retain approximately the same ranking as before. You Managers voted on this last fall.  Rankings may be affected by teams below you winning a bracket and moving up, but also because of the Ranking Committee's observations.  We will readdress this policy this fall.

I was asked last month about what kinds of things the Board spends money on off of the field of play.  As an example in the last year we have:
  • Bought Bat Testers
  • Had them recalibrated and part replacements
  • Board shirts and jackets
  • Hats (summer and winter)
  • Bank fees
  • Laptops
  • Paper, stamps, envelopes, ink
  • Briefcases
  • First Aid kits
  • Update IED's
  • Umpire training
  • Much more
This is another reminder that the Tournament Fees will not go up in 2023.  We know that several of our teams are self sponsored, so we will not burden them with that.  But, our costs are rising rapidly as well (Hotels, gas, office use, etc.), so we are raising the fees in other areas.  Beginning in about a month, the fees for the following will be:
  • Team Registration for 2023 will be $200.00
  • Player Registration will be $100.00.  This is a one-time fee if you do not move out of your Area.
  • Replacement Cards will be $25.00
The Forms on the website will show these changes in a couple of weeks.
See you soon,
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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