Chairman's Notes January 2020

Jan 19, 2020 ·   Chairman's Notes

Mangers, it was a busy Thanksgiving and Christmas month and we can thank the Lord for our many blessings.  Sometimes life does not seem so fair but we really are blessed, each and every one of us, for living in a great country and being able to play the game we all love.  I want to emphasize the word 'game.'  On occasion one of our Players forgets that it is only a game.  You can put it in perspective by telling your Players that we sometimes travel far and spend a good bit of money for an $8 tee shirt. Remember, it is SOFTBALL, not life itself.

We want to remind you Managers that we will be checking FHC cards and ID's through March.  We will start checking again in October.
There is a change in the calendar.  We have moved the November 50's tournament to the weekend of November 21/22.
This is Florida and we should never be surprised at a weather change so please help us out and remember that we change our tournament schedule only if we have to, to get as many games in as possible.  In January we got all of the games in so thanks to everyone for your patience and for working with us.  
If you are aware that someone you know is registering for FHC please tell them not to send a letter to me that has to be signed for.  That actually slows down the process quite a bit because if I am not home I have to go the downtown Post Office to retrieve the letter and it might take me 3-4 days to get there.
If, for some unknown reason, you do not hear from Greg Hazel for  several weeks, contact him to see if you missed some email or message.  We usually send something out every couple of weeks.  We do try to keep an updated  email list that messages all Managers.  Also, remember to check your roster online, to make sure your Players got credit for being at a tournament.  After 30 days we no longer are responsible for checking for you.
We have a few of our Players who require a courtesy runner that starts at the plate area.  That runner is a courtesy runner for that one batter.  If the batter hits the ball and the courtesy runner is safe that runner continues until he scores or until an out is made.  If the batter makes an out the courtesy runner for that batter cannot run for anyone else in that half inning.
God bless you all and I look forward to seeing you at the ball fields.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman


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