Chairman's Notes October 2019

Oct 24, 2019 ·   Chairman's Notes
As of Monday October 23rd, our long tenured FHC Treasurer and friend, Bud Wortendyke, has decided to end his 14-year career with us.  We thank Bud and Phyllis for all of their hard work throughout these many years.  At a time when the FHC future looked bleak, Bud was one of the handful of Board Members that, in all candor, helped save the Association, and enabled us to grow into the largest Senior Softball Organization in America.  Thank you my friend.

Managers, it is already almost Halloween, which was one of my favorite holidays as a kid.  We are in a neighborhood where a lot of outside area kids come in every year, and I love it.  We have 124 homes in our community and most of them really cater to the kids.  There will be over 500 of these wonderful children coming for candies and the like.

And that leads me to the fact that some of our own people are acting like these kids, except they would not receive any treats.  My wife, as most of you know, was an educator for 40 years.  Many times she has said that some of our Managers and Players act like 5th graders.  This is the age where they question everything, from rules, to fairness, to officiating, and even their own teammates.  That being said, it is up to the Managers and Players to control your own people.  If you leave it up to the Directors, you may not like the penalty.  Please do your job and don't force us to do it for you.
There are some things our Board members asked me to mention:
  • Most of you have heard about the tornadoes that hit Polk County a few days ago.  Walker Road was hit pretty hard, so we will be moving that Site to Loyce Harp for the November Tournaments.  Hopefully, everything will be back to normal by the first of the year.
  • Once again a reminder that your Players will need to check in as a team, providing their FHC cards and a picture ID (driver's license) for the rest of the year.  Many of our wives are working the sign-up tables, so remember to show great respect and please watch your language.
  • Managers, after a tournament is over, you have 30 days to check and see if the roster, and participation, is correct.  Do not wait months later and expect to get credit based on your word only.
  • In a tournament, you might sometimes look at the schedule and wonder why we do not change the schedule when there is an open field.  What you do not know is that we take several things into account before we can act, such as the rest of the schedule that day, or maybe there are not enough umpires, or maybe we have a new official that is not ready for a particular game, like a top 5 game.
  • Our umpires are told, to save time, to have the Home team take the field at the same the pre-game meeting is taking place with the Managers and the field umpires.  As soon as the meeting is over the Plate Umpire will vocally say "We are starting the clock," and the game should start immediately.  That allows the teams more time to play the game.
  • We will be getting our new Player Waiver form together really soon, and provide that to every team in FHC.  No one will be allowed to play in 2020 without signing that new waiver.  You will need to send in a waiver sheet for every single Player with your Team Registration.  We will get those to you soon.
  • Our FHC umpire staff has grown to over 125 in number this past year.  We have ongoing clinics throughout the year, and every single Saturday morning throughout the tournament season.  Humans make mistakes, but we are working hard on officiating.  When you get a chance, take the time to go up to an umpire and thank them for their hard work, and dedication to our FHC family.
See you at the fields my friends.
God bless and good luck,
Mike Knowles


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