Chairman's Notes July 2021

Jul 30, 2021 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, we are almost into August and it seems the 'virus' has raised its ugly head again.  Please be aware of your team members and league play and such, and contact me immediately if you have any concerns.  I have already had 2 teams call with positive tests for their Players.  Tell your Players, and coaches, that if they are sick, stay home.  Many of the businesses are requiring masks again, so plan for that possibility when you go to a Hotel or restaurant, or most anywhere for a while.  STAY SAFE!!!
We sent out a message from one of our Polk County Sites about the use of alcohol at the County Parks.  Use some common sense about this, and be quiet about your social gatherings.  Use plastic cups and clean up completely after you finish the day at the park.  These are County Parks, and there are lots of kids and families around so be aware of the noise factor and especially your language.
There are some important dates coming up real soon:
October 1st
All rosters must be completed.  You must send in Roster Additions to Greg Hazel before that date.
November 1st
All 'medical waiver' requests should be in by that date.  These are sent to me.  We realize some injuries may take place after that, but let me know ASAP about your Player's needs.
State Tournaments.  For information regarding eligibility go to the FHC By-Laws, call your Area Director, or contact me.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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