Chairman's Notes - July 2022

Jul 27, 2022 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, I have several things for you tonight.  Can you believe it is almost August?  Before we get down to business, let me share something great and awesome!

On July 29 1972, I made the best decision possible of my entire life.  I married a sweet and beautiful 19 year old young woman named Sherry, and my whole life changed for the better.  On Friday we will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  Like me, she became a teacher.  With her intellect and people skills, she could have been anything she wanted, but she loves children, and was an elementary educator for 40 years.  We have 2 children, 4 granddaughters and 3 wonderful cats.  God is good.
A couple of weeks ago we lost another great friend in Carlton Benton.  He was not only our USA Softball Representative, he was a close friend of mine for 50 years.  He touched the lives of many in the softball families, but also in his community.  I had the great opportunity to visit with his friends and family at his visitation before I traveled to Vero Beach, and I am so glad I did.  I heard someone say something about Carlton that would fit on any tombstone.  I should be so fortunate.
"A Life Well Lived."
There are many rumors going around about why we are not playing in The Villages soon.  We did not pull out.  I was told by their Recreation Director that we had to change weekends and months in 2023 if we wanted to come back. I told him that we already have contracts for those dates, and could not move.  Our good friends Dick Kanyan and Frencie LeTan are negotiating with their leadership to return in the future.  I am not against returning, but we shall see.
Make sure that you know the Pick-up Rules before you get to the ball park.  The By-Laws state that a 50's team can have one Pick-up from a team that is a higher seed.  The other 2 would have to come from your seed or lower.  In the 60+ Divisions, that it not applicable since we do not have the same ratings as the 50's division.
You need to remind your Players how serious we take a threat toward an umpire, another Player, a fan, or a Board Member.  In these cases, there is a great chance to be suspended at least 4 months, or longer.  
When an altercation does take place, let the umpires do their job.  If they tell you to go back, then you need to go back, wherever back is!  If you leave a defensive position, or the dugout, to confront an umpire or competitor, you will be ejected for at least that game and one more.  The Director can determine a greater penalty, if needed.
When a Board Member is called to clarify a rule or calm a situation down, do what he says to do.  If you are told to go back, and you do not, you will be ejected and possibly suspended.
Managers, it would really help you to have a conversation with your new Players and those with a short fuse, and remind them that this is a league, and we treat it as such.  We now have well over 200 teams statewide.  We did not get that large by allowing bad behavior.  You have heard me say many times that we love our wives, children and grandchildren coming to our games and Sites.  They do not need to hear the bad language and ill temperament of those who cannot control themselves.  Control them so we do not have to do so.
I know it is summer time, and it is hot, but we must be reminded that playlng the game we love is a privilege and not a right.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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