Checking IDs & FHC Player Cards beginning in October

Sep 27, 2021 ·   FHCASA Rules
Managers, alert your teams that we start checking ID's and FHC Cards this October, which means we will check this weekend and for the remainder of the year.
Also, we had a problem at the last 50's tournament.  Two Players collided with each other, and several of the teammates joined in.  So, let me remind you that pushing and shoving will result in a lengthy suspension.  If any Player or Coach leaves the dugout area, or leaves a position in the field to be a part of the problem, those Players and Coaches will be ejected.
Player A and Player B accidentally or purposefully collide.  The umpires will determine if someone or both needs to be ejected.  If the right fielder and several Players in the dugout area run to the spot where the incident occurred, they will possibly be ejected.  
Managers should have control of their teams at all times.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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