Courtesy Runner at Home Plate

Mar 10, 2020 ·   FHCASA Rules

I have asked and received a medical note and clearance from a medical Doctor. I then send an email, representing the Board, which allows such Player a runner from the plate. I tell them to keep a copy of the email to show at the plate meeting prior to the game.

This past weekend, at the 60 and up tournament, some people took in on themselves to get a runner. Going forward a Player must show his letter from me at the plate meeting unless the umpires already know the situation from prior games. If you have someone with a chronic condition they must contact me in order to get the waiver.

Managers, it seems that there is some confusion about where a runner starts if he runs for a batter.  Also, we will clear up the confusion of some of our umpires.

  1. A batter can only have a runner if he has been cleared through a medical Doctor and has the permission of the Board through an email from the Chairman.  It is to be shown at the plate meeting.
  2. The batter runner will line up at the back of the catchers box on the right corner facing out to the field.  He cannot run until the batter contacts the ball.  That courtesy runner cannot run for anyone else that half inning whether the batter gets a hit or not.  If the batter is put out that courtesy runner is done for the half inning.
  3. If someone gets hurt at a tournament but they are needed to play, the Commissioner or Site Director can allow a runner for that tournament only.  Once a batter receives a courtesy runner the batter cannot run for himself for the entire tournament.


Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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