June 2019 Chairman's Notes

Jun 11, 2019 ·   Chairman's Notes

The FHC family is very sad.  At our ages, it is almost a weekly event to hear of a friend or family member that has passed away into God's hands.  It is even more so a shock when we lose a member that has passed away on the field.  Jim Henry, of the Orlando Flyers, left us recently at the 60+ softball tournament in Polk County.  

We here at the FHC office are considering shortening the games, or do something to battle the summer heat, so we can enjoy the games more in the summer time.  At this time, our Area Directors are contacting their teams to get a feel of what we should do, or not do.  We will keep you informed.
Recently, I was asked by a Manager about whether or not we were going to bring legal action against another senior league.  We are not in the business to do anything like that at all.  We provide a venue for senior players to play the game they love 12 months a year.  We are not going to tell you where to play.  We are the largest Senior Softball Organization in America and have been around for over 30 years.  We are not going anywhere.  We have the best teams, the best umpires, and the best Association in all of the 50 states.  We will not now, or at anytime, even consider legal action against another organization.  Enough said about that.
It is June already, and we are looking to the fall elections.  If you are in interested in running for office, please contact me and Greg Hazel about your intent.  I will address that more in next month's Notes.
At this time, we are finalizing the 2020 calendar.  It will be out by the end of the month.  Can you believe we are planning for 2020?  It seems like yesterday that we were sitting around waiting for the end of the century and the end of the world.  God is good.
It seems that we have had a few Players that have brought alcohol into the dugouts during the tournaments.  If you are playing, and you bring any alcoholic containers into the dugout, you may be not only ejected but also suspended indefinitely.  When your games are complete for the day, what you consume is your business, but we do ask you to be aware of cleaning up after yourself and anyone with you.
The FHC Board will have its summer meeting in July.  If you have any ideas, please contact your Area Director, and he will bring your thoughts to the Board.
Managers, if you have a new Player that is sending in his paperwork, please contact me and let me know to look for it.  After two and a half years of doing this, we have found that things happen "in our mail system."  Also, try not to send things in at the last moment, and expect a card back in 2 days.  That does not happen.  Many of you know that we will work with you and help get the new people eligible, even if the card has to be brought to the tournament.  
God bless and good luck,
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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