Chairman's Notes March 2021

Mar 12, 2021 ·   Chairman's Notes
Managers, just a few things to go over:
We are checking FHC cards and photo ID's.  Have your team check in together as a group.  If you have a Player that is on your roster but does not have a FHC card he may apply for a new card at the Site.  If you have a pick-up Player he must show his card.
Remember that this is Florida.  It rains when it is not supposed to and does not rain when it is.  A good example is the 50's tournament in February.  It was not supposed to rain on Saturday but it  poured at 8:15, which caused the tournament to be canceled.  This past weekend at the 60+ tournament we were completely surprised that it did not rain on Saturday.  There were some answered prayers tied to that one.
The HOF induction last Friday night was just awesome.  We moved the induction to an outdoor facility and it was perfect weather.  Again, thanks to the Lord on that one.
Don't forget that the time changes once again Saturday night late.  We will move forward and lose one hour.  Don't forget to change your clocks so you can be on time Sunday.
After 2 months of scheduling we will finally have our Manager's Meeting Saturday morning so please be there. There will be lots of information handed out for you.
We are not in the Hotel business but we have someone who is and that is Tony Shard.  His email is on the website and he gets us great Hotels at a great price.
We will have 'waivers' at the sign-in table.  Please take one and make copies and get all of your Players to sign it and turn it in at the next tournament.
We are still using the 'virus' protocols until such time the government tells us we do not have to.  Wear masks when not on the field and continue to wash your hands multiple times a day.
If we put out a tournament announcement and the Sites are a good ways apart it is a good idea to make reservations at both places until you find out where you are playing. You can always cancel the rooms at the place you are not playing at.
FHC is not getting any smaller therefore it is really important that you let us know early if you intend on playing in a tournament.  Waiting to the last moment could cause you to not being accepted into the tournament.  At this time we have 192 registered teams.  Last weekend we had 90 teams registered and the 50's tournament this coming weekend has 92 teams coming.  Again, let us know early if you are coming.
Managers, explain once again to your Players that we treat everyone with respect here at FHC, and that includes the umpires as well.  Talk to then all and especially to new people just joining FHC.  Don't make me or the Board the ones to let them know our policy.
See you at the parks.
Mike Knowles
FHC Chairman

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